1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,珠江流域过去2000年人类活动与气候变化关系的高分辨率记录研究, 在研, 主持
2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目, 南海北部陆坡末次冰消期以来海-陆相互作用研究, 在研, 主持
3. 永利集团科研启动费资助项目,华南地区中晚全新世气候变化研究,在研, 主持
4. 永利集团“创新强校工程”科研项目, 华南地区过去16000年以来陆地气候与海洋水文状况的耦合关系研究, 在研, 主持
1. Huang Chao, Lao Qibin, Chen Fajin*, Zhang Shuwen, Chen Chunqing, Bian Peiwang, Zhu Qingmei. Distribution and sources of particulate organic matter in the northern South China Sea: implications of human activity. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2021, 2021 20 (5): 1136-1146.
2. Huang Chao, Kond Deming, Chen Fajin*, Hu Jianfang, Wang Peng, Lin Junchun. Multi-Proxy Reconstructions of Climate Change and Human Impacts Over the Past 7000 Years from an Archive of Continental Shelf Sediments off Eastern Hainan Island, China. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021, 9, 663634.
3. Huang Xin, Huang Chao*, Qi Yali, Wang Xiaoyuan, Cao Hansheng. Characteristics of hydrocarbons in hydrothermal products of the Clam hydrothermal field from the Okinawa trough. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021, 167, 112277.
4. Chao Huang; Zhiguo Rao*; Yunxia Li; Wen Yang; Lidan Liu; Xinping Zhang; Yi Wu; Holocene summer temperature in arid central Asia linked to solar activity and North Atlantic climate, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, 556: 109880.
5. Huang Chao; Li Mingkun; Liu Zhifeng; Wei Gangjian*; Chen Fajin*; Kong Deming; Huang Xin; Ye Feng; A high-resolution sediment record of East Asian summer monsoon from the northern South China Sea spanning the past 7500 years, The Holocene, 2020, 30: 1669-1680.
6. Huang Chao, Chen Fajin*, Zhang Shuwen*, Chen Chunqing, Meng Yafei, Zhu Qingmei, Song Zhiguang. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of particulate organic matter in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020, 246, 107003.
7. Huang Chao; Zeng Ti; Ye Feng; Wei Gangjian *; Solar-forcing-induced spatial synchronisation of the East Asian summer monsoon on centennial timescales, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 514: 536-549.
8. Huang Chao; Zeng Ti; Ye Feng; Xie Luhua; Wang Zhibing; Wei Gangjian *; Lo Li; Deng Wenfeng; Rao Zhiguo; Natural and anthropogenic impacts on environmental changes over the past 7500 years based on the multi-proxy study of shelf sediments in the northern South China Sea, Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 197: 34-49.